Sunday, January 30, 2011

Finally feeling better

Last night my mom wanted to go get food from subway. Unfortunately for me, I was not feeling my best. I was actually in an incredible amount of pain. Anyway let's just say that I was not thrilled to be going out in the freaking freezing cold weather. Reluctantly I got dressed and went with her.
Finally, we started to head back and at this time I was feeling much much worse. As we were walking there was a lady swinging her keys and jingling them like crazy over to my left and if I would have had a hatchet in my handy dandy notebook I would have swung it at her face and burried her keys so far down in the earth that they would start learning chinese.
Other than that unhappy situation, things have been good. I called aly and I was super excited that I got to talk to her. I have been off pain meeds for about 28 hours and I slept all night waking up occasionally but without pain. It was wonderful.
I have discovered my new love of cheese. I have always liked cheese but now I absolutely love it. Maybe its because its the only thing I can eat besides yogurt. We all know how excited yogurt is..... Anyway I went to the gym today without my mom. Its on the 10th floor. I didn't do much. I was on the elliptical machine for about 30mins going so slow that the heart monitor was red indicating that I was dying hahaha and then I did three sets of twenty chest presses. The weight was just enough to challange me without making me sore. Being sore is the last thing i need right now. I burned somewhere around 100 calories and i don't think I ate that much today so I should be loosing some weight haha
My mom and I are hanging out At the same cafe we were at yesterday to steal some wifi... But its not stealing if it's free... Right? We are still in our workout gear because the maid service was in our room and 1. It would be super awkward to change while they were in there and 2. We just wanted to get out of there
I have an appointment with a dietitian tomorrow to tell me why I can and can't eat but I figure that I'll find that out based on if I throw up after I eat something

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