Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'm not sure how much you have heard about the crazy storms going on on the east coast, but they are crazy bad and being as that I'm on the east coast of Canada, we are getting hit with the storm too. We got a foot of snow yesterday. Thankfully however, it's beautiful today. My mom and I decided to do some exploring so we hopped on the metro and landed in Second Cup which is a cafe chain here in Canada. We are also in the Latin quarter. It's kinda like little Italy in new York. Across the street there is an old theater. And beneath this shop people bustle by, passing a homeless man, and piles and piles of snow.
Last night I had a dream about Eloise (for those of you who don't know, she is my guitar). I miss her so much. I miss any kind of guitar to be honest. Last night my mom and I watched American idol. That was a dumb thing for me to do because it always puts me in a singy kind of mood. But last night I didn't have my guitar and I was very sad.

1 comment:

  1. :(
    I'm so sorry I didn't get your call! I'm not able to call back until I get free minutes. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and I miss you!
