Thursday, June 30, 2011


Do you know what is wrong with society these days? People are afraid to recognize their passions. They hide in their dark little corners and chastise those who would revel in their passions. People are afraid to do what they really want to do. Want to go to Del Taco at 2am? Then go! Want to walk barefoot to the park? Then do it! Want to travel the world with nothing more than a song in your heart? GO! I'm so tired of people telling me that being me is wrong. Dreaming about owning a business? Sure! Why not? Because life is only so long before you wake up dead and realize that the only thing you did was what everyone else wanted you to do. And how does that make sense? If they want to do something then let them do it. And what is with people never showing exactly how they feel? I had a teacher once who always wanted to laugh, but for some reason he never did. Are you happy? Yes? Then freaken smile! First dates? No need to play games or act like things aren’t what they are. If you are having fun then have fun and if it isn’t then don’t act like it is. God gave us emotions for a reason and they are a precious gift. Who are we to ignore one of life’s most beautiful assets? Enjoy life. Enjoy love, friendship, freedom, art, and even pain. Yes I know pain isn’t enjoyable, but you should appreciate it for what it is because sometimes pain is one of the most dictating things about us. It can make a person great and mighty or completely destroy them. People need to be alive! And be who they are! That being said, doing only what you want to do all the time will only lead to anarchy. So where do we draw the line? I guess as long as your actions don't inflict upon someone else's freedom then it is acceptable in America. Mostly... can you say gay marriage inflicts upon other people's freedoms? Well, even if it doesn't I'm completely against it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Picture Updates

having fun with sparklers

at kiwanis park

at a barbeque

bridal veil falls

Being an Adult

AHHH so sometimes life is really complicated and full of stress. Sometimes you have to deal with other people's shortcomings because that's who they are. Sometimes you have to be patient. SOMETIMES people become selfish because they take your patience and charity for granted..... sigh. How do you give to someone without expecting anything in return? I know thats what unconditional love is, but when you are getting hounded at left and right and you're trying to be everything you can be and yet it's still not enough... I'm getting stretched to my limits here. Maybe I need a few days to myself, to really umm think about life. Sheesh. Being an adult is like being a punching bag. You just have to suck  it up and take the blows because if you dont perform like you are supposed to, people want nothing to do with you or they complain about you. Then again nothing is ever what it seems.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


So people go through life not knowing that there is an incredible amount of danger lurking around every corner. Just now, I had scaulding Ramen broth splashed on my face. I mean it's just Ramen. I've eaten it a million times before, but today was different. Today, statistics won. If you are around scaulding Ramen all the time eventually you're going to get splashed in the face with it.
Updates: I start class again tomorrow. An ever harder English class; joy. Super excited about that, but at least I get a new professor and hopefully this guy isn't as wierd as the last one. I went to Temple Square with Andrew and his brother and his sister-in-law. It was super fun... right up until I had a freaken hypo-freaken-glycemia attack! I was so embarrassed. But they were nice enough to be patient with me. umm what else.... Actually I think thats it. mk

Friday, June 24, 2011

White Flag

Parents are awesome because they teach their children based on thier own life experiences. Siblings are awesome because they try to teach you from their life experiences, but with siblings, you actually see them before, during, and after their experience so you can relate to what they are saying. I really appreciate my siblings and their advice. Thanks guys, for looking out for me.
P.S. I bought an algae eater. His name is Stix... as in fish sticks

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So funny story: my roommates think I'm ballemic. I don't blame them. I vomit at least once a day and I'm not about to tell them that I had a freaken gastric bypass. Its all good. I've never been one to really care about what people think about me. Actually, its kinda fun to be the demented and mysterious roommate. hahaI finally got a third job interview with Lane Bryant at University Mall. I had to call like 6,000,000 times but I finally got them to set and date and time. I really really really need/want this job so I'm well pleased. I hope I get hired specially after all the hoops I've had to jump through for them.
So I'm dating this guy Andrew Lovo. He's from D.C. We met at Taco Bell and things have been super fun ever since. He's super sweet and treats me like a princess.
Amia sent me a package full of Mexican candy and a painting that she and Aly made for me. It was so sweet I nearly cried. It's really nice to know that people miss me. It makes me feel loved. It's just like when I get cards stuffed with cash from Grandma.
Anyway thats about it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Evolution of the Alarm Clock

In the early years, man was awaked from the rays of the sun. Then man got married and was awaked by his wife telling him to go hunt so she could make breakfast.
Later down the line, man began domesticating animals and use the cock's crow to rise to.... at midnight, two am, three am, and four am, because rooster crow at all hours of the night.
These were adequate systems to ensure that man was awake at the time that the first ray of sun warmed the earth, but man slowly learned about technology.
A long way after that, man created alarm clocks. Ya know the old fashioned ones with the two bells on top and hammers that slams into them. They were accurate, managable, and efficient... at waking the whole house up because they were so freaken loud.
Now here we are in the 21st century and man has created so many wonderful things. But I'm still tussling over why my alarm clock's beeper sounds like a bomb. I guess through all of man's creative process' we thought, "The best way to get someone out of bed is to make them think that there is a bomb right next to their head... every single freaken morning."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bring it On

I love that you try to tell me whats best for me. Usually you are right and usually I should be listening, but we both know that I'm the kind of person who needs to figure that out for myself. So, here we are in the same situation we are always in: you telling me to do one thing and me doing the opposite just to know what exactly it is that you are trying to keep me away from. Well, my dearest, fear no longer. I'm near the end of my rebelliousness. I feel that these next couple debacles are going to be the worst we've seen yet, but if my intuition is right, which it usually is, it's going to be worth it. Looking forward to getting bruised up. See ya on the battlefield.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hating myself

Hate is ugly. Hating someone is unhealthy and wrong. Jesus didn't hate anyone and neither should anyone else. Hating someone is like gorging out your brain with a scaulding metal pole. Whats worse than hating someone? Hating yourself. Because when you hate someone, at least you can get away from them. When you hate yourself, its like the purest form of torture. You are bound to yourself by the largest organ in the human body and your soul falls victim. I guess there are two ways to approach this situation. A. Kill yourself    B. Change how you feel about yourself    C. Change yourself   I bet you are wondering why I hate myself. Well, there are too many levels of hate to go through in one blog so I'll just make it simple. I'm Satan's Child. Not only do I lure people into trusting me and stab them in the back, but I do it again, and again. I am an awful person. a few minutes I was heading toward option A and then I realized that it would solve absolutely nothing and possibly make everything worse. And then I thought about option B and said "screw the world. they have no right to judge me. I'm only human" but all that does is alienate myself from all the people I truly care about. So option C is the only thing left. Changing myself. This is incredibly difficult. Changing who you are. Its almost as agonizing as hating myself. But I want to change because hating myself and knowing that the only people who love me unconditionally hate me as well is the most wreached thing to feel in a lifetime. and I feel it almost constantly. Now, you people can go on hating me. It's your right as a human with agency, but I'm done hating myself and although some decisions have lead me to darker places, I'm glad I made them. Yea, I'm glad. because now I'm stronger and when I succeed more than you imagined I could, I'm going to hug you and thank you for making me hate myself.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Taco Bell

So tonight I went to Taco Bell really quick with my roommates before FHE and the guy at the counter was cute and I kinda had my eye on him so we talked and flirted a bit. Anyway we sat down and ate our food and I borrowed my roommates pen and wrote my number down and torn off the bit of my burrito paper and sat there and drummed my fingers nervously. I kept going back and forth in my head "should I?" ..... "no i shouldn't"..... " well, I'm gonna" anyway my friends told me to just leave it on the counter when he wasn't there. We headed for the door and I was about to set it down when he walked out and then I chickened out and walked out. I lingered outside the door and sqinted my eyes. "DO IT!" I walked back in and said, "I've got a question...." then I stood there sort of awkwardly... I almost said nevermind but then... "Do you wanna go out sometime?" he immediately said "yes." and then "I was hoping you would... I'm shy" I handed him the crumpled paper with my number on it and walked out. On the drive home, my friends were like, "you are my hero" and "I need to be as awesome as you" hahaha it kind of made my night =D... anyway heres to living life! taking risks, pissing people off, doing the unexpected, and just filling your life with invigorating experiences =D

Total Eclipse of the Heart

You know those wierd music videos that have nothing to do with the actual song? Well here is a link to "total eclipse of the heart" music video with some new lyrics. Its hilarious!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Breaking the Law

My neighbor Courtney and I went to an abandoned steel factory that was demolished about 60 years ago and I took some pictures on my camera phone. enjoy =)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mormon Jargon

Mormon Jargon

Many of the gentile persuasion in the Salt Lake City area have taken to calling members of “the” church “Mo’s”. OK, the truth is that being called a Mo isn’t so bad. While it’s not exactly a term of endearment, Mo beats some of the other things I’ve been called–lots of them by fellow Mo’s. To ease the tension between Mos and gentiles, I’ve come up with a brief Mo Lexicon.
Practice these terms, learn to be comfortable with your Moism.
MO – Mormon
NO MO – Non-Mormon
NO MO’ MO – Ex-Mormon
MO TOWN – Provo
MO PEDS – People walking across the street to Temple Square or the MTC in Provo.
MO HAIR – Missionary standards haircut.
PO MO – A financially challenged Mormon
MO LASSES – Mormon Babes!!
MO TEL – Bishop’s interview, tithing settlement, church court, etc.
SU MO – Grad of BYU Law School
MO GUL – Large white Utah bird frequently seen in Church history books, parking lots and dumps.
MO RALLY – Third quarter BYU drive against the U of U.
MO SEY – LDS sense of time. See also LOCO MO TION.
LOCO MO TION – Post-game exodus from Cougar Stadium.
MO NOGOMY – LDS marriage practices.
MO TIF – Two or more Mormons engaged in a heated difference of opinion.