Friday, July 1, 2011

Provo Pedestrian

Dear pedestrian,
As silly as this may make me seem, I'm assuming that you are human. I mean all the clues are there. You are a bipedal, are carrying a backpack, are wearing clothes, and iyou have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, and a nose. Then again so does a chimp. But, lets say for arguments sake that you are, without a doubt, human. Why then, good sir, did you dart in front of my car as I was going down a hill at 45 miles per hour??? There were no cars in front of me, and it would be a while for more cars to come behind me, so I'm trying to understand what in the world you were thinking. Suicidal? Maybe. I wouldn't blame you for it with that awful haircut. Blind? Doubtful seeing as you looked both ways before you decided that going in front of my car was the best choice. Adrenaline junkie? Possible. Although I'd expect something much more than running out in front of a car in which case I'm very disapointed in you. Psychotic? Likely.
Take care of yourself,

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