I love my roommates. They have turned into some of my best friends, but sometimes... ah sometimes they are rediculous.
So my roommate, Hannah, is sort of exentric and really loves drama. Aparently she made out with this guy who is in our group and the way she told the story was like she kept telling him to back off but he kept going. the rest of my roommates and all were super pissed at this guy because no means no and we wanted to protect Hannah. So I go to this Halloween party tonight and the guy I like and the guy Hannah made out with were both there. So I flirted a bit with this guy and he ended up asking me on a date and I was super happy. And then the other guy came up to me and asked me if I was mad at him. I told him that I wasn't, but I was really disapointed because I thought he was a better guy than that. And then he blew up at me saying that if the guy I liked kissed me I wouldnt call him a jerk. And I told him that it was different because I wouldn't be telling him not to kiss me... and that Hannah had been telling him no. He then told me that Hannah hadn't said no to him at all. And i asked him to swear on it and he did. then I asked him how he knew who i liked and he said that Hannah told him. That little tramp has the biggest mouth ever. I'm a private person. I don't tell everyone my business like she does so 1. I'm pissed that she is telling people who I like and 2. I'm pissed that she would ruin a guys reputation like that. How dare she. Ugh I'm so upset.
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