Tuesday, November 16, 2010


When I was younger, I was introduced to a flower. The petals were yellow and close together like a young tulip. The stem and leaves were lime green, very bright indeed. I was told that the sap of the stem tasted just like lemon candy. The stem was split open and I saw the translucent sap ooz and drip. I was told to taste it.
Would you taste it? What if the person who was telling you to taste it was somebody that you trusted? Well, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't taste it if someone were to ask me to taste the sap today. But, when a little 7 year old girl is told something as impossible as flower sap tasting like lemon candy, she believes. I tasted the sap and it really did taste like lemon candy.
Why is it that as we grow up and learn more, things make less and less sence. When we are young, we don't need things to make sense. We can be friends with a boy who pushed our friend five minutes ago and it is perfectly okay. When we are younger, we don't judge what people are wearing, or how they talk, or what their intellectual apptitude is. Why can't we be little kids again?
To quote the mad hatter of Alice and Wonderland : "You used to be much more...'muchier.' You've lost your muchness."
I think we all loose our muchness as we grow up. This is why it is rare to find someone who still dreams of being an astronaut, president of the United States, or a brain surgeon. I miss my muchness.

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